Shrubs and Perennials of Lahore (Pakistan)

Here is the encyclopedia of Shrubs and Perennials of Lahore (Pakistan) for southern gardeners with flowering time, height of plant, propagation method, family name, common name etc. Will post another one for climbers/vines as well.

Botanical Name Acacia farnesiana Botanical Name Acalypha wilkisiana
Family Fabaceae Family Euphorbiaceae
Local Name Kabli Kikar / Gand Local Name Acalypha / Khalifa
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 4m Height 1-3m
Flower Color Yellow Flower Color Foliage beauty
Flowering Time August-March Flowering Time
Propagation By seed & cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Acanthus angustifolius Botanical Name Aralia balfouri
Family Acanthaceae Family Araliaceae
Local Name Narri Local Name Deciduous
Type Evergreen Type Shrub
Height 1-1.5m Height 1.8-2.5m
Flower Color Purplish brown Flower Color Vareigated leaves
Flowering Time November-January Flowering Time
Propagation Suckers. Propagation Suckers.
Botanical Name Andropogon muricatus Botanical Name Alpinia allughas
Family Poaceae Family Zingiberaceae
Local Name Bamboo Local Name Alaichi / Cardamom
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 0.5-1m Height 1-1.5m
Flower Color Greenish yellow green Flower Color Creamish white
Flowering Time March-April Flowering Time April-May
Propagation By suckers and Division. Propagation By suckers.
Botanical Name Asclepias curassavica Botanical Name Bambusa nana
Family Ascclepiadaceae Family Poaceae
Local Name Blood flower Local Name Common bamboo
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 1 / 2-1m Height 1 / 2-1.5m
Flower Color Red purple Flower Color Foliage beauty
Flowering Time Throughout the year Flowering Time
Propagation Tip cutting. Propagation By suckers.
Botanical Name Bambusa striata Botanical Name Barleria cristata
Family Poaceae Botanical Name Barleria cristata
Local Name Golden bamboo Family Acanthaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Barleria / Violet
Height 4-6m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Golden stem Height 5m
Flowering Time April-May Flower Color Blue
Propagation By suckers & cutting. Flowering Time March-May
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Barleria lupulina Botanical Name Bauhinia tomentosa
Family Acanthaceae Botanical Name Bauhinia tomentosa
Local Name Hop headed barleria Family Fabaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Orchid tree
Height 2 fit (60cm) Type Evergreen
Flower Color Peach yellow Height 1-1.5m
Flowering Time April-May Flower Color Light yellow
Propagation By cutting & seed. Flowering Time September-October
Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Breynia nivosa Botanical Name Brunfelsia omericana
Family Duphorbiaceae Botanical Name Brunfelsia omericana
Local Name Snow bush Family Solanaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Fransisia yellow
Height 1m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White and pink Height Up to 2 meter
Flowering Time Flower Color White
Propagation By cutting and suckers. Flowering Time March-April
Propagation Aerial layering.
Botanical Name Brunfelsia calycina Botanical Name Buddleia asiatica
Family Solanaceae Botanical Name Buddleia asiatica
Local Name Fransisia Family Scrophulariaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Buddleia butterfly bush
Height 1-1.5m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Purple, White Height 2-21 / 2m
Flowering Time February-July Flower Color Creamy white
Propagation By aerial layering Flowering Time March-April
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Bougainvillea arborea
Botanical Name Caesalpinia pulcherima
Family Nyctaginaceae Botanical Name Caesalpinia pulcherima
Local Name Thornless bougan Family Fabaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Chota Gul Mohr / Poincianu
Height 2-4m Type Deciduous
Flower Color Pinkish Height 2-4m
Flowering Time June-July Flower Color Orange
Propagation Cutting / layering. Flowering Time April-May & Sep-Oct
Propagation Aerial layering, seed, cutting
Botanical Name Calliandra surinamensis Botanical Name Calicarpa reavessi
Family Leguminosae Botanical Name Calicarpa reavessi
Local Name Surinam Family Verbenaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Calicapa
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Pink brush like flowers Height 0.5-1m
Flowering Time May-June Flower Color Pink
Propagation By seed. Flowering Time September-October
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Carissa grandiflora Botanical Name Carrisa spectabilis
Family Apocynaceae Botanical Name Carrisa spectabilis
Local Name Kronda / Natal Family Apocynaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Kronda
Height 2.5-3.5m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White Height 2-3m
Flowering Time May-August Flower Color White fragrant
Propagation By seed and cutting. Flowering Time February-March
Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Cassia glauca
24.Botanical Name Cassia corymbosa
Family Fabaceae 24.Botanical Name Cassia corymbosa
Local Name Cassia / cenna Family Fabaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Cassia / cenna
Height 2-3m Type Deciduous
Flower Color Yellow Height 2-3m
Flowering Time April-May Flower Color Yellow
Propagation By seed. Flowering Time April-May
Propagation By seed and aerial layering.
Botanical Name Cassia didymobotrya Botanical Name Catesbaea spinosa
Family Fabaceae Botanical Name Catesbaea spinosa
Local Name Cassia / Popcorn bush Family Rubiaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Lily Thorn bush
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Yellow candle shape Height 1.5-2m
Flowering Time October-November Flower Color Greenish yellow
Propagation By seed. Flowering Time May-June
Propagation By aerial layering.
Botanical Name Catalpa speciosa
Family Bignoniaceae Botanical Name Cestrum diurnum
Local Name Indian Bean Family Solanaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Din ka Raja / Day Jasmine
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White Height 1.5-3m
Flowering Time April-May Flower Color White
Propagation Bu cutting. Flowering Time April-May & Sep-Oct
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Cestrum nocturnum Botanical Name Clerodendrum aculeatum
Family Solanaceae Botanical Name Clerodendrum aculeatum
Local Name Raat ki Rani / Night Jasmine Family Verbenaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name
Height 1.5-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White Height 1-2m
Flowering Time April-May & Sep-Oct Flower Color White
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time March-June
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Clerodendron glaucum Botanical Name Clerodendron inerme
Family Verbenaceae Botanical Name Clerodendron inerme
Local Name Family Verbenceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Kayanal / Indian pivot
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Creamish white Height 4-5m
Flowering Time November-February Flower Color White
Propagation By seed and suckers. Flowering Time May-October
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Clerodendron paniculatum Botanical Name Cocculus laurifoliaes
Family Verbenaceae Botanical Name Cocculus laurifoliaes
Local Name Kashmiri Bouquet Family Menispermaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Plater leaf
Height 4-5m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Red Height 4-5m
Flowering Time February-October Flower Color Greenish
Propagation By seed. Flowering Time March-April
Propagation Bu cutting and aerial layering
Botanical Name Codiaeum veriegatum Botanical Name Crossandra undulaefolia
Family Euphorbiaceae Botanical Name Crossandra undulaefolia
Local Name Croton Family Acanthaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Fire cracker flower
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Foliage beauty Height 1.5m
Flowering Time Flower Color Orange
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time April-May
Propagation By suckers and cutting.
Botanical Name Deutzia scabra Botanical Name Dodonaea viscosa
Family Saxifragaceae Botanical Name Dodonaea viscosa
Local Name Pride of Rochester Family Sapindaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Sanatha / Hup seed-bush
Height 1 / 2-1m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White fragrant Height 3-4m
Flowering Time March-April Flower Color Yellowish green-White
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time March-May
Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Dombey tangulata Botanical Name Duranta repens
Family Sterculiaceae Botanical Name Duranta repens
Local Name Domeria / Wedding flower Family Verbenaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Pigeon berry
Height 1-3m Type Semi Deciduous
Flower Color Pink fragrant Height 1-4m
Flowering Time December-January Flower Color White & blue
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time May-October
Propagation By cutting and aerial layering
Botanical Name Eranthemum alba Botanical Name Eranthemum nervosum
Family Acanthaceae Botanical Name Eranthemum nervosum
Local Name Sage bush Family Acanthaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Neelum
Height 1-2m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White Height 1-2m
Flowering Time April-June Flower Color Blue
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time April-May
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Euonymus japonicus Botanical Name Erythrina blakei
Family Celastraceae Botanical Name Erythrina blakei
Local Name Euonymus Family Fabaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Blacki
Height 3m & above Type Deciduous
Flower Color Foliage beauty Height 1-3m
Flowering Time Flower Color Red
Propagation By cutting Flowering Time April-May
Propagation Bu cutting.
Botanical Name Erythrina crista galli Botanical Name Eugenia bracteata
Family Fabaceae Botanical Name Eugenia bracteata
Local Name kristagali Family Myrtaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Pinkish red Height 1 / 2-1m
Flowering Time May-July Flower Color White
Propagation By seed & cutting. Flowering Time March-April
Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Euphorbia cotinifolia Botanical Name Euphorbia heterophylla
Family Euphorbiaceae Botanical Name Euphorbia heterophylla
Local Name Lal jhari Family Euphorbiaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Rang-e-Rafiq
Height 1-5m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Bracts beauty, Red, Pink & Cream Height 1-1.5m
Flowering Time November-April Flower Color Foliage beauty
Propagation Bu cutting. Flowering Time Foliage beauty
Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Euphorbia pulcherrima Botanical Name Excoecaria bicolor
Family Euphorbiaceae Botanical Name Excoecaria bicolor
Local Name Poinsettia Family Euphorbiaceaea
Type Deciduous Local Name Picara
Height 1-5m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Bracts beauty, Red, Pink & Cream Height 1-1.5m
Flowering Time November-April Flower Color Red small flowers
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Filicium decipines Botanical Name Gardenia thunbergia
Family Sapindaceae Botanical Name Gardenia thunbergia
Local Name Flicium tree Family Rubiaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Natal
Height 2-3m Type Semi Deciduous
Flower Color Foliage beauty Height 1.5-3m
Flowering Time Flower Color Creamy white, fragrant
Propagation By suckers. Flowering Time June-July
Propagation By aerial layering.
Botanical Name Gmelina asiatica Botanical Name Galphinium glauca
Family Verbenaceae Botanical Name Galphinium glauca
Local Name Hedgehog bush Family Malpighiaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Gul-e-fenum
Height 2m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Yellow Height 1-2m
Flowering Time March-April Flower Color Yellow
Propagation Bu cutting. Flowering Time Throughout year
Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Hamelia patens Botanical Name Hamia solicifolia
Family Rubiacaee Botanical Name Hamia solicifolia
Local Name Jhumka / Bunday Family Lathyraceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Heimia
Height 2-4m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Orangish red Height 1-1.5m
Flowering Time Almost round the year Flower Color Yellow
Propagation By cutting Flowering Time Feb-April
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Hibiscus mutabilis Botanical Name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Family Malvaceae Botanical Name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Local Name Cotton Rose / Kapara / Kapata Family Malvaceae
Type Deciduous Local Name Shoe flower / Chinese rose
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color White to Pinkish Height 2-3m
Flowering Time November-December Flower Color Red, Pink, Cream, Blue, Ora
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time Almost all the year
Propagation By grafting, aerial layering a
Botanical Name Holmskioldia sanguinea Botanical Name Hypericum canariensis
Family Verbenaceae Botanical Name Hypericum canariensis
Local Name Chinese hat plant Family Cuttiferae
Type Evergreen Local Name Hypericaceae
Height 1 / 2-2m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Brick red Height 1-3m
Flowering Time November-December Flower Color Yellow
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time March-May
Propagation Bu cutting & division.
Botanical Name Iresine herbstii Botanical Name Ixora coccinea
Family Amarantaceae Botanical Name Ixora coccinea
Local Name Beef sleak plant Family Rubiaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Flame of the wood
Height 1 / 2-1.25m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Foliage beauty suitable for small hedg Height 2-3m
Flowering Time Wooly flower Flower Color
Propagation By cutting. Flowering Time May-June & Dec.-Jan.
Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Jaquinia aristata Botanical Name Jasminum auriculatum
Family Myrsineaceae Botanical Name Jasminum auriculatum
Local Name Jaquinia shrub Family Oleaceae
Type Evergreen Local Name Juhi / Indian yasmin
Height 2-3m Type Evergreen
Flower Color Orangish red Height 1-1.5m
Flowering Time May-June Flower Color White
Propagation By seed. Flowering Time June-October
Propagation By cutting & layering, seed.
Botanical Name Jasminum grandiflora Botanical Name Jasminum humile
Family Oleaceae Family Oleaceae
Local Name Yasmeen / Chambeli Local Name Pili chambali
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 3-5m Height 2-3m
Flower Color Pinkish white Flower Color Yellow
Flowering Time November-February Flowering Time February-March
Propagation By suckers and layering. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Jasminum sambac Botanical Name Jatropha integrima
Family Oleaceae Family Euphorbiaceae
Local Name Motia Local Name Jatropha
Type Evergreen Type Deciduous
Height 2-4m Height 2-3m
Flower Color White fragrant Flower Color Red
Flowering Time April-September Flowering Time March-April
Propagation Cutting & layering. Propagation By seed and cutting.
Botanical Name Jatropha multifida Botanical Name Juniperus prostrata
Family Euphorbiaceae Family Pinaceae
Local Name Jatropha / Carat plant Local Name Juniper
Type Deciduous Type Evergreen
Height 1-2m Height 2-3m
Flower Color Orangish scarlet Flower Color Foliage beauty
Flowering Time April-November Flowering Time Foliage beauty
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Lagerstroemia indica alba Botanical Name Lagerstroemia indica rosea
Family Lythraceae Family Lythraceae
Local Name Lagerstromia Local Name Crepe Myrtle
Type Deciduous Type Deciduous
Height 3m White Height 3m
Flower Color Flower Color Pink
Flowering Time May-September Flowering Time May-September
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Lagerostoemia lancasteri Botanical Name Laurus nobilis
Family Lythraceae Family Lauraceae
Local Name Gul-e-fanoos Local Name Long
Type Deciduous Type Evergreen
Height 1-3m Height 6-8m
Flower Color Double purple Flower Color Creamish yellow
Flowering Time May-September Flowering Time February-March
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By aerial layering.
Botanical Name Ligustrum lucidum Botanical Name Lawsonia inermis
Family Oleaceae Family Lythraceae
Local Name Ligustrum Local Name Heena
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 3m & above Height 2-3m
Flower Color Cream Flower Color Cream
Flowering Time April-May Flowering Time May-June
Propagation By cutting & seed. Propagation By cutting & seed.
Botanical Name Malpighia glabra Botanical Name Malvaviscus arboreus
Family Malpighiaceae Family Malvaceae
Local Name Malpighia / Barbados cherry Local Name Max mallow
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 2-3m Height 1.5-3m
Flower Color Rosy purple Flower Color Red
Flowering Time February-March Flowering Time Almost all the year
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Manihat esculenta Botanical Name Myrtus communis
Family Euphorbiaceae Family Myrtaceae
Local Name Tapiexa / Cassava Local Name Greek myrtle
Type Deciduous Type Evergreen
Height 1.5-3m Height 2-3m
Flower Color Foliage beauty, Simple & Variegated Flower Color Creamish white
Flowering Time Flowering Time April-May, sometimes in Nov
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting & seed
Botanical Name Murraya exotica Botanical Name Nandina domestica
Family Rotaceae Family Berberidaceae
Local Name Murva Local Name Heavenly Bamboo
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 3m & Above Height 1-2m
Flower Color Creamish white fragrant Flower Color White
Flowering Time Many times a year Flowering Time March-May
Propagation By cutting & seed. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Botanical Name Oncoba spinosa
Family Oleaceae Family Flocourtiaceae
Local Name Har Singhar Local Name Oncoba
Type Deciduous Type Deciduous
Height 2-4m Height 2-4m
Flower Color White with orange tube Flower Color White fragrant
Flowering Time October-November Flowering Time April-May
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By aerial layering
Botanical Name Pittosporum tobira Botanical Name Pithecellobium dulce
Family Pittosporiaceae Family Mimosaceae
Local Name Mock orange Local Name Jungle jlabi / Jang jlabi
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 2-3m Height 1-2m
Flower Color White simple & variegated Flower Color Foliage beauty
Flowering Time February-March Flowering Time Foliage beauty
Propagation By cutting & aerial layering Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Phyllathus myrtifolius Botanical Name Plumbago capensis
Family Euphorbiaceae Family Plumbaginaceae
Local Name Local Name leadwort
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 1-2m Height 1 / 2-1.5m
Flower Color Pink Flower Color Light blue
Flowering Time March-April Flowering Time April-May
Propagation By cutting. Propagation Cutting & Division
Botanical Name Polygonum racemosun Botanical Name Prosopis glandulosa
Family Polygonaceae Family Fabaceae
Local Name Local Name Jand / Mesquite
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 1-2m Height 5-7m
Flower Color Creamish white Flower Color Greenish yellow
Flowering Time March-April Flowering Time March-September
Propagation By cutting & division. Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Punica granatum Botanical Name Robinia pseudoacacia
Family Punicaceae Family Fabaceae
Local Name Anar Local Name Bobinia
Type Deciduous Type Evergreen
Height 3-4m Height 1-2m
Flower Color Red Flower Color White
Flowering Time April-May & Sep-Oct Flowering Time August-September
Propagation By cutting, seed, layering. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Rondeletia odorata Botanical Name Russelia sarmentosa
Family Rubiaceae Family Scrophulariaceae
Local Name Local Name Fountain bush
Type Evergreen Type Deciduous
Height 1 / 2-1.5m Height 1-2m
Flower Color Orangish pink Flower Color Red
Flowering Time All round the year Flowering Time Most part of the year
Propagation By aerial layering. Propagation By suckers.
Botanical Name Russelia juncea Botanical Name Sambucus nigra
Family Scrophulariaceae Family Caprifoliaceae
Local Name Russelia / Coral, Fountain Local Name Elder berry
Type Evergreen Type Deciduous
Height Height Up to 10m
Flower Color Red Flower Color Cream
Flowering Time April-May Flowering Time March-April & Sep-Oct
Propagation By cutting & division. Propagation By cutting, suckers & seed.
Botanical Name Serissa foetida Botanical Name Spiraea cantoniensis
Family Rubiaceae Family Rosaceae
Local Name Sarisa Local Name Spirea
Type Evergreen Type Deciduous
Height 1 / 2m Height 1.5-2m
Flower Color White Flower Color White
Flowering Time March-April / Year round Flowering Time March-April
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Solanum pseudo capsicum Botanical Name Syringa vulgaris
Family Solanaceae Family Oleaceae
Local Name Jerusalem cherry Local Name Scanga / Lilac
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 1-15m Height 2-3m
Flower Color cherry Flower Color Lilac
Flowering Time August-September Flowering Time March-April
Propagation By seed. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Tabernaemontana coronaria Botanical Name Thevetia peruviana
Family Apocynaceae Family Apocynaceae
Local Name Chandni Local Name Pili kaner
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 2.5-3.5m Height 3-4m
Flower Color White fragrant Flower Color Yellow
Flowering Time April-September Flowering Time April-May / Year round
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By seed.
Botanical Name Tecomella undulata Botanical Name Tecoma stans
Family Bignoniaceae Family Binoniaceae
Local Name Lahura / Rohira / Rugtrera Local Name Basant Bara Masi
Type Deciduous Type Deciduous
Height 3-5m Height 3-5m
Flower Color Orange Flower Color Yellow
Flowering Time February-April Flowering Time April-May & Sep-Oct
Propagation By seed & cutting. Propagation By cutting & seed.
Botanical Name Thuja orientalis Botanical Name Thunbergia erecta
Family Pinaceae Family Acanthaceae
Local Name More Pankh Local Name
Type Evergreen Type Deciduous
Height 2-3m Height 1-1.5m
Flower Color Foliage & shape beauty Flower Color Purple
Flowering Time No flower Flowering Time March-April
Propagation By seed. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Vitex negundo Botanical Name Woodfordia floribunda
Family Verbenaceae Family Lythraceae
Local Name Sambhalo Local Name
Type Evergreen Type Deciduous
Height 3-4m Height 2-3m
Flower Color Blue Flower Color Brick red
Flowering Time March-April Flowering Time February-March
Propagation Cutting / Root suckers Propagation By aerial layering
Following were added later:
Botanical Name Cestrum nocturnum / variegata Botanical Name Cestrum naraoa
Family Solanaceae Family Solanaceae
Local Name Raat-ki-Rani variegated Local Name Raat-ki-Rani
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 1.5-3m Height 1.5-3m
Flower Color White Flower Color Brownish Pink
Flowering Time June-August Flowering Time March-April & Sep.-Dec.
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Cestrum aurantiacum Botanical Name Heptopleurum venulosum
Family Solanaceae Family Araliaceae
Local Name Yellow orange lady of night Local Name Heptolorum
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 1.5-3m Height 2-3m
Flower Color Yellow orange Flower Color Greenish yellow
Flowering Time September-October Flowering Time May-June
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By cutting.
Botanical Name Jatropha parduraefolia Botanical Name Lantana camara
Family Euphorbiaceae Family Verbinaceae
Local Name Jatropha Local Name Lantana
Type Deciduous Type Evergreen
Height 2-3m Height 1-3m
Flower Color Crimson red Flower Color Orange,Pink, Red, White, Pa
Flowering Time April-November Flowering Time April-October
Propagation By cutting. Propagation By seed & cutting.
Botanical Name Ochna squarrosa Botanical Name Schinus terebinthilolius
Family Ochnaceae Family Anacardiaceae
Local Name Okna Local Name Kali mirch
Type Evergreen Type Evergreen
Height 2-4m Height 3-4m
Flower Color Yellowish Orange Flower Color Greenish white
Flowering Time May Flowering Time March-April
Propagation By seed. Propagation By cutting.


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4 Responses

  1. Sujata says:

    Wow GG! What a wealth of information. Would love to know how you compiled all that!
    I always love to read your posts esp coz the climate of Lahore and Delhi is quite similar and I get great tips.
    Would love it if you could do a gardening calender for flowers. I learnt a great deal from your summer flowers post. Thank you!

  2. ifrah says:

    ap mujhe bta sakte han k mujhe barleria cristata plant kahan se mile ga i need for research

  3. tehreemmunir says:

    sir plz make possible to copy ur article ….i really like it .. and want to save it till my life … so plzz sir

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