Best of 2009

I started this blog in August 2009 and i did not know it would go so far. Although my series of flowering bulbs for warm climates is still going and another series of spring blooming plants for lahore/karachi is underway, lets take a look at best shots from year 2009. i hope you will like it.

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21 Responses

  1. Stephanie says:

    Very beautiful ๐Ÿ˜€ I like all of them – your good shots and the flowers as well.

  2. Amy says:

    What a wonderful post. I love your photos!

  3. azplantlady says:

    Your flowers are just beautiful, but I really enjoyed the butterflies, moths and bees especially.

  4. Oh my, How beautiful! I would never be able to pick one favorite from these pictures gorgeous I adore the butterfly shots and the water lily is just magical.

  5. Autumn Belle says:

    The pictures are extremely beautiful. What more can I say? ๐Ÿ˜›

  6. Hortist says:

    Awsome, superb, fabulous ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Mars says:

    a visual delight! Its hard to pick a favorite! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think the sun peeking through with the Moon vine is a pretty close..

  8. Hortist says:

    Khabbab, thank you for visiting my blog. I’ve not joined Pakistani blogsphere so I was not there in their blog awards. But soon I’m going to join them soon. Sure I like your blog and vote for yo there. I also faved you on Blotanicals. Keep it up and have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. Zindagi says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words.
    I am growing Cyclamen for the first time and it cost me Rs. 40 per plant. These are bi color only will post the latest pic.

  10. ibrahim says:

    the cool calm colors of the mum are really beautiful.

    What are the names of the last 2 flowers?

  11. @Ibrahim- the last one is water hyacinth, a perennial water weed and provincial flower of Sindh.While second last is aquilegia.

  12. Rosey Pollen says:

    Very nice indeed! I love these butterflies and blooms shots!

    I don’t recognize any of these butterflies…they are are pretty.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    What type of camera were these shot with?

  13. Chris says:

    Hi. Just checking out what’s new.

    These are some really good shots. Are all these flowers and butterflies from your home? Or is this a collage from many locations? If this is your house, then you’re a pretty lucky guy.

  14. @Rosey – All these butterflies are native to pakistan specially plains. I got only only camera that is Canon powershot A570IS.

    @Chris – Only 1st, 3rd and 4th are from Mums flower exhibition, other are from my home (either terrace of soil bed). It takes much effort to attract bees and butterflies to your garden in an urban location such as mine.

  15. Abby Lanes says:

    Your photos are so impressive and the colors and flowers are stunning! i nejoying seeing these!

  16. Amy says:

    Beautiful photographs! Your garden blog is wonderful!


  17. Caroline says:

    The water lily is my favorite, but they are all lovely.

  18. Each of those photos is wonderful! You did a great job picking out your list of bests. I love your dahlias in your recent post, too.

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