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13 Responses

  1. Rosey Pollen says:

    That butterfly is attracted to a lovely flower! So pretty!

  2. fairegarden says:

    Oh what a beauty, Muhammad! Or should I say two beauties, the flower and the butterfly. And congrats on your fine seed starting display too. Looks like you have had good germination. 🙂

  3. Mary Delle says:

    Your flower and butterfly are gorgeous. Beautiful!!

  4. sweet bay says:

    A really beautiful series. I especially like the first photo. The detail of the butterfly and the soft color of the flower look wonderful together.

  5. azplantlady says:

    What a beautiful flower. We grow a closely related species known as the Snail Vine and the flower is purple.

  6. LeSan says:

    I just love this blossom! It looks so tempting to touch. Like it would feel like the satin ruffles of a wedding gown. Does it smell as lovely as it looks?

  7. Meems says:

    Very pretty, Muhammad. Looks like a little hairstreak… is that possible? LOVE the butterfly in the previous post, too. So unusual.
    Meems @ Hoe and Shovel

  8. Mars says:

    picture-perfect 🙂

  9. What a delightful combination of flower and butterfly

  10. Susan says:

    Muhammad, I love your blog and photos of plants that you grow. It’s so interesting that we grow many of the same things and face similar challenges. Your pictures reminded me that I must plant moonflower vine next year. Susan at Botanical Shots

  11. Kiki says:

    What beautiful and dazzling photos!Your blog is always so nice..always beautiful photos to enjoy! Awesome!

  12. Sunita says:

    Very pretty, Muhammad. You’re right, it is a Blue but a different one than the one in my blog. I think this is a Pea Blue butterfly (also called Long Tailed Blue). The difference is in the lines on the wings. The Gram Blue doesnt have so many lines and has a few black spots on the hind wing. Slightly confusing, I know but if you’re interested you could look up butterfly books by Isaac Kehimkar or by Krushnamegh Kunte. They’re very informative about butterflies found in the Indian subcontinent.

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