Rose Garden at Liberty Market Lahore

First, i would like to congratulate this year’s Blotanical 2009 awards winners, you guys really deserved it. I would also like to congratulate stuart for managing this wonderful event and providing us some opportunity to vote for some wonderful blog around the globe. And special thanks to those who voted for my blog, it was awesome to be in top five.

Now coming back to the post, i admit that i had no intention to do a post on roses specially in this season when they do not bloom at their best But i just carried away. I just happened to visit this rose garden at liberty market lahore and the fragrance and colors were just awesome. I mean how can you resists capturing these beauties anyway. Now if they can bloom as good as now in this heat of 90F then how cheerfully they will greet you in spring!!!!!

This is my first ever post on roses and i hope you will like it. This is one of my favorite rose gardens in lahore. Enjoy!!!!!!

rose lahore

rose garden lahore
rose garden liberty lahore

roses in bloom in lahore

roses flowering in late summer
rose plant in lahore
rose floribunda
desi rose
local rose lahore
fragrant rose

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13 Responses

  1. Nell Jean says:

    Oh, such beauties! Roses are always special, but the late season ones are so precious.

  2. Rosey Pollen says:

    Delicious colors, and I am going to order some roses next year from Canada, see if I can’t get something simliar growing up here in the mountains.
    Thanks for the tour…it was lovely.

  3. Mary Delle says:

    What really beautiful roses. I bet you enjoyed your tour. Thanks for sharing it with us and congratulations on your first post on roses!!

  4. sweet bay says:

    That is a beautiful rose garden!

  5. LeSan says:

    What is it about roses that we find so enticing? It doesn’t matter how many roses I have seen or will see, I always find them beautiful. This post my favorite was the pale yellow. I can smell them now. mmm.

  6. Beautiful Roses! Reminds me of the Quote… ‘a Rose is a Rose is a Rose’

  7. Kiki says:

    I loooove roses. Thankyou for sharing such a parade of beauty! Wonderful post!Gorgeous photos!

  8. Autumn Belle says:

    These roses are gorgeous. I especially like the white and yellow ones. I can almost smell the roses!

  9. mania says:

    Nice photos. There is also a rose garden in Allama Iqbal medical and dental college. Its behind the cafeteria.

  10. Oh I love roses, your photos are georgeous!

  11. Kerri says:

    Such a beautiful rose garden! They’re always such a treat, aren’t they?
    I also enjoyed seeing the morning glory meandering up the brick wall, and the other lovely flowers in your garden, not to mention the butterflies.
    I’d love to have Plumbago in my garden.
    Thanks for visiting and saying hello. Nice to “meet” you 🙂

  12. Thomas says:

    What beautiful flowers! I love seeing what blooms in other parts of the world.

    Also, congrats on your nomination!

  13. these roses look so beautiful. I guess you would love all their different fragrances and colours too.

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