Growing in pots? you have to see this!!!!!

Now this is something very encouraging for those who have no space like me and are restricted to pot culture. Folks, this railway creeper is at least 15 feet and the plastic container is only 4 inches deep. and i have placed it on a concrete shade which is further 8 feet high from the ground. Now don’t ask me how did i manage to put this clay filled container on this shade!!!. The pic is taken from roof top.
railway creeper ipomoea palmata

Allamanda in same container, almost 10 feet high.
Acutally there is another vine in the middle, morning glory. But i think she is over taken by these two and hardly nourishing. But she will bloom too, for sure, just wait a while. This pic taken at 4x optical zoom of canon powershot.
allamanda cathartica golden trumpet vine

Who says you cannot attract butterflies and bees with container gardening? well i surely think otherwise. now i am not good at bees and i think this is a carpenter bee. sorry for not capturing this bee closer, actually i am afraid of their sting!!!!!
bee pot plant

carpenter bee lahore pakistan

carpenter bee on flower

carpenter bee urban area

I captured this butterfly when thick black clouds had taken over and rain was just coming by. This cutie took shelter on my jasmine nitidum leaf. It was very low light and you can see some grains in the picturesulphur butterfly on leaves

Isn’t it strange that this mushroom sprouted, oops i think we can use this word sprout with fungi as well, right? in this D shaped pot instead of my soil bed. They grow almost every year during monsoon rains.
mashroom lahore

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33 Responses

  1. Valeri says:

    Great pictures, especially of the bee! Val

  2. Wendy says:

    You must take good care of this potted plant! The railway creeper looks great climbing the wall in this nice pattern. You were brave to take pics of the bee! 🙂

  3. Mary Delle says:

    What a wonderful confirmation of all your work to see all this growth and insect life. I’m happy for you!

  4. I have the plants too. I have 100 over poteed plants, I am happy to know a plants lover from another country.

  5. Rosey Pollen says:

    Who would ever believe a plant could get that lengthy growing in just a pot? Cool butterfly pics!

  6. We had similar photo experiences this time around. While wandering my garden, I took pictures of big black bees covered in pollen, a tiny mushroom in my lamb’s ear pot, and ended up focusing on my citrus trees in containers for my post. I’m trying to get a better picture of the bees — they get so covered in pollen from my pumpkin plants that they’re remarkably cute!

  7. Teresa says:

    Love that climber and the way you created a pattern for it to climb.

  8. Autumn Belle says:

    The two creepers seem to be competing at a climbing marathon. I have seen these big black bees quite often around the morning glories. The white butterfly is so pure white! Do I see yellow pollen on its chest?

  9. Kanak Hagjer says:

    I use a whole lot of pots so I understand. Your plants are doing really well. Love that creeper. And the gorgeous blooms!! Great insect pictures!

  10. GardenJoy4Me says:

    WOW ! Now this is amazing .. I have never seen anything like this : )
    Those shots of the bee were fantastic too ! Were you fertilizing with a special mix ? .. talk about “vine power” !!
    Joy : )

  11. Looking at how those plants keep on growing give me idea on giving creepers and climbers a chance soon…. Lovely pictures of bee and butterfly too! ~bangchik

  12. tina says:

    You captured some really great shots of the bee. These carpenter bees are so big they can be most scary but here in my area, they rarely sting. A good thing.

  13. sweet bay says:

    Those pot-grown climbers are amazing. I think that is a Carpenter Bee, based on the shiny black abdomen.

  14. Di says:

    Muhammad, great photos of flight! and I do love the creepers.

  15. Ashley says:

    What a great idea, I have a balcony and would love to get some potted plants out there. It doesn’t get much sun though and I bet these flowers need a lot of it! Your plants are beautiful!

  16. Carolann Cahill Banks says:

    Nice to find others with limited space to grow. We rent so I keep my plants in containers too. They go when I go.

  17. Sue says:

    The plant photos were fun. The bees in flight were awesome!

  18. Carletta says:

    Those vines are really sprouting up!
    The flowers are very pretty but your bee shots are really, really cool – great job catching it in flight!!

    Thanks for your visit.
    Carletta’s Captures.

  19. Dot says:

    Oh wow! Your creepers look amazing! I’m a bit scared of planting flowers I haven’t had much success but you’re making me want to try again. They’re just beautiful!

  20. BPOTW says:

    Congrats on an amazing feat!! Impressive job!

  21. Flowers says:

    I love garden art and the way you have shown it, it is my biggest passion.

  22. Stephanie says:

    Just dropped by to say, ‘hello’. Nice shots! I like your angles. And good to have found you. I have always want to plant a nice morning glory. Its flowers are so wonderful. Little mushroom sprout out from my containers during cool and rainy days too. Have a restful evening!

  23. Janie says:

    Very pretty pics from your garden. I like the bee!

  24. my god what a beautiful sight 🙂

  25. Racquel says:

    That is one happy plant to have grown so tall in such a small pot. 🙂

  26. I’m so eager to try your idea on my roof sides. Never new that even a vertical gardening is possible.
    Thanks for sharing.

  27. 4la says:

    carpenter bees don’t seem to chase if you are near then. but they’re destructive.
    it seems you must water the container often. i imagine more than once per day, during hottest long days.
    I’m also thinking that if the plant itself is not succulent, then it should have tubers, thick roots, or other “hidden” storage. however, those displace some of the container mix… hmm..

  28. Zahra Ali says:

    Wow! thats brillant!

    u wer able totkae pretty cool pix urself bhi!

    the bee looks beautiful! and so does the butterfly.. 🙂

    keep it up.. ilike what u r doin gin your garden…

    where r u exactly in lahore?

  29. thanks everyone for your kind comments.
    @zahra – i live in AIT lahore

  30. Xephyr says:

    is the pot getting full sun? just wondering coz i love the look of the allamanda and would love to have it trailing around

  31. @Xephyr – pot gets early morning sun few hours only.

  32. AA says:

    I have reread your article a good 5 times.Was so inspired by both the flowery vines that i went out to my local nurseries in Jauhar and Gulshan, Karachi, Pakistan.Managed to get allamanda, however the nursery people didnt know railway creeper or its local name Tez gaam/neelofar.
    Any help you can lend in this matter?

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