Here i am again with another edition of macro monday. And i will share with you the pictures of Trumpet honeysuckle and butterfiles in Lawrence garden. Yes more butterflies in this post. I would post seperate on butterflies of lahore. And not just butterflies, capturing some hummingbirds wont be a bad idea though? Wild life is in full swing in urbans of lahore. Most shots are from Lawrence gardens also known as Bagh-e-Jinnah.
First is Plain tiger butterfly (Danaus chrysippus), Very common and easy to capture as its speed is not very fast. It spreads the wings easily and very beautiful indeed.
This one is Pioneer white butterfly (Belenois aurota) Very fast and difficult to capture. She does not like being photographed at all. I hardly manage to get few shots of hers. She is trying to get some nectar off trumpet honeysuckle the botanical name of which is Lonicera sempervirens. |
Here is a trick to capture them easily. The small ones in pioneer butterfly group were much faster than those which were large. So i concentrated on large ones having large wings. not a bad deal at all.
This one was pretty fast as well and very small as compared to others butterflies. But capturing her back with spread wings was the challenge. I do not know her name, this is my first capture of her. She just adored alyssum flowers.
Another butterfly whose name i do not know. She was attracted to trumpet honeysuckle or Coral Honeysuckle, which is a hummingbird magnet. I also captured some hummingbirds, but the shots were not clear as i had no tele lens with my digital camera.
For more macro monday posts, visit Lisa’s Chaos
Oh my they are so pretty and colorful. Butterflies is what I like to take photos too. Happy Monday!
MacroMonday~The Bud
You Butterfly photos are always so magnificent and beautiful!! Wonderful!
Beautiful photos and beautiful butterflies. I love them in my gardens.
Beautiful detail and colors in these butterfly images.
Beautiful pictures. Butterflies are beautiful – they add that extra bit of magic to a garden!
Such beautiful insects, and you captured them nicely!
Great shots!
One one hand it’d be nice to have them fill my garden, but on the other hand, I’m a little fearful of these things! All I have are little white butterflies – and they might actually be moths! ha!
Thanks Khabbab for sharing the images of these beautiful little creatures. Not 100% sure about these species, however the last one is looking to be a common emigrant butterfly(Lemon Emigrant), while the other one is a pale grass blue.