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10 Responses

  1. azplantlady says:

    Such beautiful photos. I love your morning glory flower with the sunlight behind it.

  2. Autumn Belle says:

    The macros are well taken. Great shots. I love the butterfly. It is so beautiful.

  3. Wonderful Pictures! The butterfly is so pretty and I always love to see pictures of webs.Your seedlings are coming right along too.

  4. Stephanie says:

    Good macros! I like the butterfly the most. Happy Tuesday and Gardening!

  5. sweet bay says:

    Beautiful waterlily. I really like the shot of the spider too.

  6. I love your butterfly. The spider, not so much. 🙂 Your seedlings seem to be very happy.

  7. Rosey Pollen says:

    Very nice composition in your shots! Such splendid blooms on your water lily. Love it.
    I am like Grace, not fan of the old spiders.

  8. Mary Delle says:

    Great photos, Khabbab. You are getting to be quite a good photographer. I’m impressed.

  9. Wendy says:

    These are all wonderful photographs! Love the photo of the seedlings!

  10. Your macros are very nice! Love them all.

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